About Wilson


Wilson Elementary serves approximately 950 regular education students in grades K through 5 who live in the northwest quadrant of Seminole County. In addition, our school also serves Pre-Kindergarten, Specific-Learning Disabilities, Autistic, Gifted, ESOL, and Speech/Language.


Wilson teachers provide quality instruction to all students. Their individual teaching styles and creativity promote positive classroom environments. They offer challenging, hands-on learning through a balanced literacy program which includes the language elements of phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary development and comprehension. Thematic units and integrated curriculum provide real-world opportunities. Cooperative groups, paired and shared experiences, whole and small groups, and individual instruction are just some of the ways students are grouped for learning. Occasionally, students need remediation or reinforcement to acquire skills. Teachers utilize ad hoc groups, instructional assistants, and parent volunteers to provide more individualized instruction. Supplemental instruction through before school and after school tutorial sessions offered for students needing additional support. Teachers utilize flexible reading groups and literacy teachers provide more intensive reading support. Florida’s standards are embedded into our language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, music, and art curriculum.


Our Campus has six major buildings. The administrative and guidance offices, clinic and media center are located in Building 200. Buildings 100, 400, 500 & 600 house classrooms, as do 12 Concretables. The cafeteria, multi-purpose room, P.E. office, art and music suites are located in Building 300. The parking lot facing Orange Boulevard is utilized for car rider drop off, while the Wilson Road ramp is for buses only, until 7:40 a.m., after which car riders may be dropped off.

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